Pretty Black Fish--Cozy, Beautiful, Precision

I went to purchase kitty litter for my 3 cats yesterday. (3 cats is too many. 2 is perfect…but one of them came with a brother, so now we have 3.)
I promised myself and my family that I wouldn’t bring home any more animals. We have ENOUGH.
We currently have 3 cats and a small dog. They fill our bed up as it is. (aside from the animals we currently live with, in the past I’ve brought, or agreed to take, many animals into our home (--most were rescues or in danger of being homeless, and most we’ve enjoyed, but some were more burden than pleasure.): a glorious fish tank of tropicals, 4 lizards, cats, 3 rats, 2 cockatiels, a succession of Betas and a dog who couldn’t be taught not to bite small children. I have reason to have promised there will be no more. And reason to ask, what is up with all this biological excess in my home??
…so why, WHY?, when I went to get kitty litter for my stinky 3 cats, did I feel compelled to look longingly at a black goldfish?
Yes, I did resist and not bring him home... But, not before scouting out the bowls he could live in, and imagining where he would sit behind my desk at home. hmmm.
…Don’t I have enough excess in my home already? Don’t I have enough creatures to care for? Don’t I have enough love coming at me from them—and what kind of love would a fish give anyway? What is it about him that is so appealing to me?
I’m not sure…but in the meantime, I have a black goldfish as my desktop image.
And in the meantime, instead of bringing him home, I’ve committed to caring more attentively to the pets and family I do have (including myself). And I’ve committed to introducing the kind of beauty he inspires into my space by being more intentional about my décor and tidyness this week.
Egads…If at the end of the week, I’ve been loving to my pets and my space…perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, it’s time to introduce a little black fish into the home. If, however, I find that I’m happy and satisfied enough with what he’s inspired in me as far as reconnecting with who, and what, I have already in my home, I’ll simply give him a thankful hello when I buy more kitty litter next time.
Pretty black fish, he sure does inspire a cozy pleasant feeling. [I think that’s all I want: a cozy, pleasant feeling…not another critter to care for]